LIAA: the Lucerne International Academy of Animation

19. February 2020

LIAA: the Lucerne International Academy of Animation

19. February 2020

LIAA: the Lucerne International Academy of An...

The Lucerne International Animation Academy (LIAA) took place in winter 2009 and was organised by esteemed Swiss animation expert (and beloved tutor at our Lucerne animation department) Otto Alder. The topic of this international meeting of filmmakers, film historians and animation experts was to discuss the topic of dramaturgy in animation in a broad and individual approach.
After some years of hibernation, video recordings of the talks have now been edited and uploaded to be shared with the world. We’re very happy and excited to share these with you, since they contain rare and exclusive insights into the thoughts and approaches of some of the animation world’s most renowned artists, among others: Priit Pärn, Yuri Norstein, Agnieszka Pawlowska, The Brothers Quay, David O’Reilly and many more…
Enjoy, explore, share!