Animation Lucerne at The Arctic Hideaway

23. September 2024 • Viktoria Cherniaha, Matthias Schüpbach

Animation Lucerne at The Arctic Hideaway

23. September 2024 • Viktoria Cherniaha, Matthias Schüpbach

Animation Lucerne at The Arctic Hideaway

For the second time, Animation Lucerne and HSLU had the chance to send an MA student and a BA graduate to a small island in Norway on a creative journey at the Arctic Hideaway.

The small island of Sørvær, home to The Arctic Hideaway in the Fleinvær archipelago, is a place where nature reveals your true essence. Located near Bodø, beyond the Arctic Circle, this remote island is a sanctuary for artists from all over the world. The container-like wooden cabins became our home for three weeks, offering a rare opportunity to disconnect and focus on our work.

As soon as we arrived and settled into our cabins, we were drawn into the island’s beauty. Its rugged landscapes and ever-changing light sparked creativity. One of us captured the surroundings through 3D scans, videos, and field recordings, while the other immersed in the creation of an animatic for an animation film. The island stripped away distractions, leaving only ourselves and our art. Like the island itself—bare, unique, and visible—we felt deeply connected to our work and nature.

During an excursion, we met Magnus, a lifelong islander who shared how the island’s soundscape had changed. Climate change has reduced the seabirds, leaving many ‘duck houses’ empty. This absence inspired an exploration of the theme of loss, using digital material gathered on the island.

A highlight was our collaboration with a local artist Are in his studio, where we worked on a linocut print, blending digital practices with traditional techniques. This grounded us, connecting modern methods to the island’s artistic traditions.

The time we spent at The Arctic Hideaway was transformative, both personally and creatively. This magical place, where we became one with nature while staying true to ourselves, will continue to inspire our work for years to come. We are grateful for this experience and hope to return to this little paradise someday.

Thanks to Lavinia Petrache, animator from Zurich, and Håvard Lund, musician from Norway, who made this cooperation between The Arctic Hideaway and HSLU possible.