Infotage: Discovering the Animation Department

During the last weekend of November the HSLU opened its doors to curious outsiders and potential new students to come and find out all that the school has to offer.

Friday the 24th was the first day where everyone had the opportunity to see the students in action: in their cubicles working on their bachelor movies, were the third years, while the second years focused on their first applied projects with our partner Adult Swim.

Visitors were free to walk around our department, not only to get familiar with the premises, but also to ask questions. I assume it probably wasn’t the students’ most productive day.

Two floors under our animation quarters, in the basement, was one of the first years’ class. As one of the classes learned what CGI has to offer, the latter explored the world of stop-motion in our black boxes.

In these dark rooms, several set were exhibited and in the room next door, you could find students occupied with making puppets and sets for their upcoming movies. A situation that happens every year due to our curriculum having an introductory module focused on every main animation technique, as it’s necessary for our new students to see everything the world of animation has to offer before deciding what pleases them most.

These students had their hands in the dough but most probably their heads in the clouds, as I assume they were also bombarded with questions that they happily answered.

The visitors that didn’t want to disturb the students met on the couches next to our inhouse cinema Rex, where a Q&A took place, while some of our animation bachelor films were shown with video bachelor ones in the movie theater.

Around the small table garnished with sweets and information sheets our staff, assigned to answering everyone’s questions, mainly took naps thanks to the students in the classrooms doing their jobs.

On Saturday the 25th, despite the lack of people in the ateliers the school was even fuller and the actions of the day before were repeated. At 1pm, rendez-vous in the conference room, where Jürgen Haas, the animation department director, presented the animation bachelor’s curriculum to our interested participants and went over the entrance exam, just as he did the day before. Laughs were heard and animation.lucerne’s merch was won.

It was a long and busy weekend: everyone left with their heads full but their minds a bit clearer. Let’s do it again next year.

Impressions from the Infodays 2018

More than two weeks have already passed since the Infodays 2018 took place both at the Sentimatt and at the Viscosi campus. And now, finally, here they are, some bundled impressions of those two days. Enjoy!

For those interested in animation the fun started with Jürgen’s usual speech at the assembly hall of the Viscosi campus, which is always a joy to attend even for us students. Jürgen gave his audience a brief overview of what three years of studying animation look like – and how much fun it is.

After that, the guided tour through the campus began. Visitors could get a feel for the atmosphere at the animation department. They had the chance to see all the different work spaces for 2D, 3D and stop motion animation, and of course our beloved ateliers where we spend so much time in.

Fun fact: People from all over Europe came to catch a glimpse of the rare animation species living here in Viscosi City.

So, if one impression wasn’t enough for you and you’re itching to become a member of our unique herd, apply here, deadline is the 15th of February.

Dan Wenger

Infotage der HSLU 2017


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Sie schleichen um dich herum, du spürst ihre starrenden Blicke.
Und DANN laufen sie rasch und scheu weiter.

Es waren wieder Infotage an der HSLU! Ob Erst-, Zweit- oder Drittklässler, Dozenten oder sogar Jürgen – alle waren am Freitag und Samstag in der Viscosi um Fragen zu beantworten und den Besuchern einen Einblick in unsere Studienrichtung zu verschaffen.


Jürgens Rede

Ein Infotag ist kein Infotag ohne Jürgens legendäre Rede. Er beginnt beiden Animationen in der Steinzeit, erzählt vom ganzen Kurrikulum mit Arbeitsbeispielen bis hin zu Berufsaussichten der Studiums Abgänger. Falls ihr euch dafür interessiert, könnt ihr hier euch hier einige Videos angucken.

Bist auch du an Animation interessiert oder gar an unserer Studienrichtung? Dann ist es schon fast Pflicht diese Rede einmal gehört zu haben. Niemand kann Jürgens Charme wiederstehen! Niemand! Die Schule nimmt natürlich auch Studenten auf, die am Infotag nicht da waren 😉

Für das Studium anmelden kann man sich hier. Der Anmeldeprozess für den BA/MA in Animation ist auf Deutsch oder Englisch beschrieben. Auf der offiziellen Website gibt es auch noch viele weitere Infos:

Ich sag es immer wieder, aber es ist nun einmal so: «Bilder sprechen Bände». Geniesst denn Infotag durch die fotografischen Erinnerungen.

– Leoni Dietrich –