Actually it’s just about one year ago that the first Lucerne International Animation Academy (LIAA) was successfully held in Lucerne.
Thanks to support from my dear colleagues Jean First and Adrian Flury and also thanks to financial support from our headmaster and the Animation Department, we were able to edit most of the video footage for our website during the last months.
I’m very happy to invite you to visit LIAA-TV on our website where we are presenting the most essential presentations held at the conference last year. With this publication we are finally able to continue the debate and offer different philosophies about storytelling in animation and at the same time offer you deep insight into the subject by outstanding artists from all over the world.
Also thanks of sponsorship by the Lucerne School of Art and Design’s Animation Department, we have recently published the translation of the article «Animation at the Beginning of the 21st Century» by Stanislav Ulver, imprinted in the Czech magazine, Film a Doba, (2/3, 2010) (buy it)
The LIAA-site is a unique platform with crucial information on storytelling in animation. Useful for students, artists and teachers. We would like you to help spread out this information to all your colleagues.
Kind regards and all best, Otto Alder