Gerd Gockell erhält den Jurypreis in Annecy!

Patch, ein Film von Gerd Gockell, gewinnt den Jurypreis in Annecy.

Auf dem Bild zu sehen sind Festivaldirektor Marcel Jean im Gespräch mit Gerd Gockell, selbständiger Filmemacher, Produzent, Dozent und ehemaliger Leiter der Studienrichtung Animation der Hochschule Luzern.

TV24 on Air

Der neue Schweizer Fernsehsender TV24 ging am 12. Mai mit einem hochmodernen On-Air-Design auf Sendung, das durch das vielseitige TV24-Angebot führt.

Hier ein Zusammenschnitt
Und der Pressebericht

Design und Regie: Oliver Aemisegger, Art Director von Frame Eleven und Absolvent BA Animation Luzern

CineGlobe Film Festival Registration

CineGlobe 2014:

There is limited accommodation available onsite at CERN from March 18th to 24th.  We are making a limited number of these rooms free to filmmakers on a first come, first served basis.  We are also offering a limited number of rooms on a pay basis, at the reduced rates of 65 to 80 CHF per night.  This is a very competitive rate for the area.  If you are not selected for free accommodation, and can afford to pay, we will offer you that option.  If you have any doubts about this, please contact us at
In order to register, please visit the following link:
Select the link for “Registration Form” and fill in all required fields, noting your film title under “Affiliation”.  If you will be attending on Friday, March 21st or Saturday, March 22nd, we recommend that you also reserve places for the social events – the Filmmaker Reception on Friday afternoon and the Awards Ceremony on Saturday evening.  You will find the appropriate options on the registration form under “Social Activities”.

In addition, we are organizing special underground tours to the experimental areas, as well as a physics lecture from the former head and founding member of one of the largest experiments at CERN, the ATLAS Detector.  Please indicate on the registration form your interest in attending any of these special activities.  Space is limited, so please sign up now if you are interested.

If you have any questions about attendance at the festival, please do not hesitate to ask by responding to this email.  We look forward to meeting you, and congratulations once again on your acceptance.


The CineGlobe Festival Team

Call for: Animation Projects / Folimage&Nadasdy Film

To get back in touch with young public animation movies, Folimage, in association with Nadasdy Film Geneva and other partners, launches a new version of its residence: The Artist-in-Residence program for young audience.

The program has been created to give authors an opportunity to make a personal five- minute animation film, all techniques accepted but 3D animation, that combines comedy and humour aimed at 5 to 7 year-olds.

Applications must be filed by May 1st, 2014.

All the details about the program (PDF 2.7 MB)
Entry form (PDF 500 KB)

Call for: Project Proposals / Sound Development City


“Sound Development City Summer Expedition 2014” leads to two harbour cities again.This time, however, our target is in Europe’s high north, as the journey takes us to Riga and Helsinki.

Sound Development City is a studio on the road, a research trip for artists and their projects. Riga and Helsinki serve as resonating urban spaces, as work material, sources of inspiration, and playground for public presentations. Altogether, the expedition with Sound Development City is 17 days long. Six days will be spent in each city, and the rest of the time will be dedicated to being on the road. Each edition of Sound Development City follows a specific thematic focus. Participants are selected through an open call.



Sound Development City is looking for project proposals and work theses that comply with the invitation to Mind the Gap! (see below) and that could utilize the three-week expedition from Riga to Helsinki for realizing these endeavors. We are looking for interventions, sound surveys, performances, experiments, moving images, and artistic research projects that will benefit from being on the road, and will probe urban environments as sites of both playfulness as well as social involvement.

Artists working in all disciplines can apply through the open call process. The key requirements are curiosity, openness to experimentation, process-oriented work, and adventurousness. We also welcome an inter-disciplinary approach and readiness to collaborate.



Mind the Gap! is our call to you, and the thematic focus of Sound Development City’s expedition in 2014.

The gap, it seems, is everywhere: between here and there, me and you, yesterday and today, between Riga  and Helsinki. It can cleave and unite; one either trips over or is inclined to leap. In fact these gaps carve out a proverbial space that can be used creatively and become a new artistic reality. On that note, Mind the Gap! should be understood as an invitation to look inward and sharpen the senses to subtle in-between states, recognize ruptures, transitions and no-man’s-land.

Application deadline is April 25, 2014.
An international j ury of five will select about 10 participants from the submitted applications.
The jury’s decision will be made public no later than May 30, 2014.

Detailed information about the call for projects and the conditions for registration can be found here.
Sound Development City is a project by Sound Development. It was developed in collaboration with Heller Enterprises. The project is financed by Sound Development and organized by Heller Enterprises. All information:


Animation Workshop 2014: Vinyl Animation / 16.-19. April

Call for Applications

Animation Workshop 2014: Vinyl Animation

Das FILMFEST DRESDEN 2014 bietet jungen Animationsfilmemachern die Möglichkeit, an einem mehrtägigen Trainingsprogramm teilzunehmen. Der Kern des Programms ist ein Workshop zu Vinyl Animation, der vom 16. bis 19. April 2014 stattfindet und von dem bekannten deutschen Animator Falk Schuster geleitet wird. Die Teilnehmer können eine ganz besondere Animationstechnik kennenlernen, bei der auf einer rotierenden Schallplatte gestaltet und animiert wird.

Hier steht ein pdf-Dokument zur Verfügung.


Filminitiative Dresden e. V.
Alaunstraße 62
01099 Dresden

AG-Animation mailing list

Tickets für IndieLisboa

IndieLisboa – International Independent Film Festival möchten den europäischen Filmstudierenden ein besonderes Angebot für das Festival anbieten:

Das Package beinhaltet:

  • student’s accreditation (costing 30€)
  • stay in a Lisbon hostel (mixed rooms at 15€)

Ihr müsstet Euch nur noch um den Flug kümmern.

Kontakt: Mónica Lemos //

Casa do Cinema
Rua da Rosa nº 277, 2º – Sala 1.4
1200-385 Lisboa, Portugal

tel. (+351) 21 315 83 99
fax (+351) 21 316 00 57 

Fête de l’Anim’ 2014

Fête de l’Anim’ 2014 in Lille und Tourcoing (France) vom 20.-23. März

> The Marathon de l’anim’

> The 2D and 3D graphic battles

> Talent connections : a networking event to introduce students to regional professionals of animation

Detaillierter Beschrieb unter: Creative Challenges_FA2014