20 Years of Animation the Party
18. November 2022 • Daniel Neto Dias
20 Years of Animation the Party
18. November 2022 • Daniel Neto Dias
It was a Friday, the 11th of November, that students, teachers, alumni and guests got together to celebrate the 20 years of the animation department in our school, the HSLU. A night of conversation, food, drinks, music and dance, one to remember for another 7300.
The program: performance, dinner, concert, DJs and dance party, didn’t give any of the participants a chance to get bored.

Arianna de Angelis Effrem, alumna from 2021, truly touched the spectators’ hearts with her performance La Risata Cangiante, an animated light and shadow show that mixed projections and dancing.
People talked and laughed around a bowl of curry as they reminisced about the past and imagined the future while getting ready for all the music.
Drinks were also offered and some didn’t take the advantage for granted.
Cosmic Space Girl warmed the crowd with their rock and punk as much as they did the room with their bare torsos.

From hip-hop to techno to R’n’B, our amazing DJs Spin Alonga, AKUAKU and the Midnight 8 Bit Special Guest didn’t let us rest. There was enough diversity to fit every animator’s taste.
Around midnight, the DJ was stopped and the people formed a circle, clearing the dance floor. The dance battle was ready to start, the theme: the 12 rules of animation. Time to see who actually pays attention in class. The jury, consisting of teachers and extras chosen on site, took their place while our Alumna Jane Mumford explained the rules. One minute to impress the judges, only one person per group goes on.
It’s tough but it’s a hard industry. No more time was lost and the dancing started.
New students fought old ones, guests fought teachers, sweat glowed under the lights and everyone moved like leaves on a windy autumn afternoon.
Four Isabels battled each other for the honor to bear the name of everyone’s favourite yellow dog.

Different names were shouted, different dancing styles were practiced and different chairs were used.
Soon enough the numbers started to decrease and it was already time for the semi-finals.
One Isabel was confident after winning against her evil twins but something stronger was waiting to make its appearance. Not hiding behind a bush or a wall but in the crowd.

The last Isabel standing, looking around confused, waiting for her mysterious opponent didn’t know the competition’s level was about to rise. The room went silent for a few seconds before jumping into screams –

JURGEN HAAS has entered the fight!!!
Isabel, shocked by this revelation, did not give up on the fight and after giving it all, beat Jürgen thanks to her 30 years younger knees.
2nd and 3rd year fought for the final prize. Their performances were so great that the jury ended up unable to choose a winner. That’s when solidarity took over and both finalists decided to share the mountain and win together, because what’s more important than teamwork in animation?
After the amazing battle, the dancing didn’t stop, as those who didn’t get a chance to participate before were now on the dance floor while the tired ones drank and ate some more before heading home.
It’s safe to say that this party was a success but I’m not sure the next one in 20 years will also be one, because if the animation quarters keep growing in power as we’ve been, someone might need to call the cops to stop the noise.